New Security Cameras

(Funded by Bel Air Hills Association Member Dues)

The Board of Directors of Bel Air Hills Association has entered into an Agreement with Flock Safety, a national company based in Atlanta, GA, to lease security cameras with advanced capabilities to be placed at strategic locations in our neighborhood. Flock Safety has provided BAHA with the following description of the cameras:

"These cameras are entirely self-sufficient, in that they're solar-powered and connected to a cellular network. Cameras send footage to secure cloud-based storage that is maintained by Flock Safety. The cameras have both day and night-time capability to detect vehicle make, model, type, color [etc.]... The cameras do not record faces. Photographs and vehicle data collected are automatically deleted after 30 days, so there is no permanent database. [BAHA] would own 100% of the footage. Flock Safety will not share, sell, or even access the data without our permission... All these features should eliminate privacy concerns."


The Board of Directors has adopted the following policy for the handling of footage captured by the cameras:

  • Footage from Flock Safety cameras will not be actively monitored
  • The Board has created a Security Camera Committee ("BAHA SCC") consisting of the Security Committee Chair, the Traffic Committee Chair, the Board President and the Board Vice President
  • The BAHA SCC or their designated agent may, but is not required to, review footage from the Flock Safety cameras under the following conditions:
    1. If there is a complaint of potential illegal activity in the neighborhood, (see below for requirements to obtain footage).
    2. To count vehicle traffic.
    3. To check if the system is operating properly.
  • Footage from Flock Safety cameras will be stored in the cloud (Amazon Web Services) for a rolling period of 30 days. In the event of a report of illegal activity, footage can be downloaded by BAHA for extended storage.
  • Access to footage from Flock Safety cameras will be limited to the BAHA SCC members or their designated agent, and the Los Angeles Police Department and Los Angeles Sheriffs Department for the sole purpose of investigating crime.
  • Residents are encouraged to report suspected property crimes to the BAHA SCC, so that the BAHA SCC may review the camera footage in order to aid law enforcement (see below for requirements for BAHA to initiate a camera footage).
  • Information and/or selected footage from the cameras may be given to law enforcement and/or, at the option of the BAHA SCC, to residents of the community who are victims of potential illegal activity, if law enforcement or such resident submits a written request to the BAHA SCC that includes the following information:
    1. Police report number or screenshot showing that a police report has been filed online
    2. Time frame of incident
    3. Description of incident
  • Residents are encouraged to contact BAHA to add their information to the Safe List so that any footage of their vehicle can be marked as "Resident."


  1. The existence of Flock Safety cameras should NOT be relied upon by any resident for safety or security. Residents are encouraged to provide whatever additional precautions they think are necessary to ensure their own safety and that of their property.
  2. Neither Bel Air Hills Association nor Flock Safety are law enforcement agencies and are not in a position to undertake law enforcement activities. Any illegal activity should be reported to law enforcement immediately for investigation.
  3. The cameras are owned and maintained by Flock Safety. BAHA makes no representation that the cameras will always be working, that requested footage can be, or will be, made available. Furthermore, BAHA makes no representation that the footage will be error or corruption free, or for the accuracy of any footage.
  4. BAHA has contracted with Flock Safety in the hope that the cameras will deter property crimes in our area, and when crimes do occur, that they will assist law enforcement in solving the crimes.

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2337 Roscomare Road #2-228
Los Angeles, CA 90077
(310) 476-0322

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© Bel Air Hills Association.
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2337 Roscomare Road #2-228
Los Angeles, CA 90077
(310) 476-0322

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