The Bel Air Hills Association (formerly known as the Roscomare Valley Association) was established in 1952 and is an entirely volunteer organization dedicated to protecting and improving our community.
In This Issue—
* Wildfire in Bel Air Hills - Community Meeting
* Burglary Increase
* Roscomare/Mulholland Graffiti Update
* Homeowner Insurance Information
* Wildlife Ordinance Meeting Update
* Street Light Outage Update
* BAHA’s Annual Membership Drive
***Wildfire in Bel Air Hills - Zoom Meeting March 13, 7pm*** BAHA is hosting a community meeting with LAFD Battalion Commander Mario Garcia to discuss Bel Air Hills’ unique vulnerabilities to wildfire and our neighborhood’s challenges for evacuation and LAFD access. The information you get at this community meeting could save your home and your life. SAVE THE DATE IN YOUR CALENDARS NOW. MARCH 13, 7:00 PM*. Zoom link and additional information will follow.
Read More »In This Issue—
* Wildfire Community Meeting
* New Fire Insurance Rules
* Moratorium on Home Insurance Cancellations
* Metro Sepulveda Transit Update
* Winter Lights Celebration
* Annual Membership Drive
***BAHA’s Annual Membership Drive*** BAHA is now in the midst of its annual membership drive, so please check your email inbox and your regular mailbox for the annual letter and membership form. BAHA membership letter contains information such as what BAHA does for our neighborhood, why it is important to join, and information regarding exclusive benefits for members. Strong membership numbers enable BAHA to provide more services, support, activities, and to be a louder voice for government services. We hope that you will see how important it is to support BAHA with your membership. Please check out more information about BAHA on our website at And while you are on our website, you can easily renew your membership or join BAHA by clicking “Join/Renew Membership.”
Read More »***We Were Lucky – This Time***
Although our neighborhood was spared from the recent Los Angeles fires, we know that many have friends and family who have lost their homes or businesses or have otherwise been greatly affected. The Board of Directors of Bel Air Hills Association would like to extend our deepest sympathies to all those affected by these tragic events. We hope that our neighborhood can pull together to help those in need, and to work together to protect our neighborhood in the future - because the next time it could be us.
Read More »***Winter Lights Celebration—December 8th - 3pm to 5pm*** We are looking forward to seeing many of our neighbors at BAHA’s annual Winter Lights Celebration, happening Sunday, December 8th from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm at Roscomare Circle Park (south end of Roscomare Road). There will be fun activities for the kids, refreshments for all, and good conversations with your neighbors. It’s a festive time of the year, so plan to join us on Sunday! All residents of Bel Air Hills are invited, regardless of membership in BAHA. (And if you would like to help with setup or cleanup, please let us know at [email protected])
Read More »***SAVE THE DATE! - Winter Lights Celebration—December 8*** A great way to kick off the winter season is at BAHA’s annual Winter Lights Celebration on Sunday, December 8th from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm at Roscomare Circle Park (south end of Roscomare Road). Expect fun activities for the kids, snacks and refreshments for all, and good conversations with your neighbors. It’s a festive time of the year and we hope to see you there.
Read More »***Fall Festival, October 20*** Please mark your calendars and plan to attend BAHA’s annual Fall Festival at Roscomare Circle Park (south end of Roscomare Road) on Sunday, October 20, 2024, from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Expect fun activities for the kids, refreshments, treats for all, and good conversations with your neighbors. Residents, young or young-at-heart, are welcome to attend in costume. This is a neighborhood activity, and all residents of Bel Air Hills are invited, regardless of BAHA membership or inclination to wear a costume. We hope to see everyone on October 20th!
Read More »***Virtual Neighborhood Watch*** Last month, BAHA sent out a News Alert regarding an attempted burglary on Roscomare Road. This incident was an example of the crime fighting power of the combination of residents’ street-facing security cameras and BAHA’s Virtual Neighborhood Watch (VNW). BAHA’s VNW is open to all residents with street-facing security cameras, regardless of BAHA membership status.
Read More »***School Opens Monday, August 12--Increased Auto and Pedestrian Traffic Alert!*** Roscomare Road Elementary School is scheduled to reopen for instruction on Monday, August 12. School hours will be between 8:15 a.m. and 2:43 p.m., with students arriving and departing at various times. During those times traffic around the school will be difficult, especially during the first week of school, and possibly the second and third weeks as well. Please be respectful to neighbors by not parking in driveways and red zones. For neighbors living close to the school, taking in your trash bins after they've been picked up could help make traffic move a little easier.
There will be many pedestrians, young children and their adults, walking in the area on school days. Please drive with care to keep our young scholars safe. Thanks to all for your cooperation.
Read More »***BAHA’s Annual Members’ Meeting*** The annual members’ meeting of BAHA was held on Tuesday, June 25, 2024, in the auditorium of the Roscomare Road Elementary School. Katy Yaroslavsky, Councilmember for District 5, gave an update on matters of interest to our community, including the proposed Wildlife Ordinance, fire insurance, crime, and traffic on Roscomare and took questions from the audience for an extended time. At the request of a Board member, our Councilwoman has agreed to meet with a BAHA representative and/or participate in a BAHA Wildlife Ordinance Town Hall when the revised Wildlife Ordinance is released by the Planning Department (no release date has been disclosed yet).
Read More »***BAHA’s Annual Members’ Meeting*** The annual members’ meeting of BAHA is scheduled for Tuesday, June 25, 2024, in the auditorium of the Roscomare Road Elementary School. The meeting will commence promptly at 6:30 pm. Please plan to arrive early for check-in. Councilmember for District 5, Katy Yaroslavsky, is scheduled to speak, along with representatives from Metro who will be speaking on their congestion pricing study that could directly affect our neighborhood (for good or bad, the devil is in the details!). We also expect LAPD and LAFD to attend and perhaps other speakers. All residents of Bel Air Hills are invited to attend, but only BAHA members as of May 31th will be able to vote. Official notice of the meeting will go out to members shortly.
Read More »Save at your favorite local businesses!
© Bel Air Hills Association. All rights reserved.
2337 Roscomare Road #2-228
Los Angeles, CA 90077
(310) 476-0322
© Bel Air Hills Association.
All rights reserved.
2337 Roscomare Road #2-228
Los Angeles, CA 90077
(310) 476-0322